Saturday 30 July 2016

Corruption War: Has President Buhari made impact in Nigeria?

As he moved from state to state, he told Nigerians that his government would not condone corruption but would confront it with the last drop of his blood. And so it was as Buhari stepped into government, he again re-echoed to Nigerians that he is for everyone and for no one. His statement gave hope of a united fight for all Nigerians irrespective of the individual’s tribe or religious affiliation. Even his party bigwigs were agitated at the statement which threw them off balance as it was perceived that Buhari would confront anyone undermining whose ox is gored, all for the unity of Nigeria. And as he stepped into office, he began a systematic war against the corruption he campaigned against. For one, his government stood on a promise made during electioneering campaigns. This is very uncommon among Nigerian politicians, most of who make promises only to win the gullible minded and throw the promises into the trash can as soon as they emerge and clinch the seat of power. But this is not so with Buhari. Buhari said, “corruption is a hydra-headed monster and a cankerworm that undermines the fabric of all societies. It does not differentiate between developed and developing countries. It constitutes a serious threat to good governance, rule of law, peace and security, as well as development programmes aimed at tackling poverty and economic backwardness,” hence it must be fought from all fronts.

Osinbajo did what?

 Even the selection of his running mate, Vice President Yemi Osibanjo, was said to be a result of the fact that Osibanjo shared in his view of hatred for corruption and looting. Osibanjo himself told a gathering of Nigerians that one significant factor that brought two of them together was Buhari’s understanding of his view on corruption and ill-gotten wealth. He said his nomination to be vice president in 2014 was unexpected but his views on corruption played significant role in his teaming up with Buhari to make Nigeria a great country. Osibanjo expressed optimism over Buhari’s single-minded fight against corruption and indiscipline in governance. He said Buhari fought a serious war against indiscipline in his days as military head of state. According to him, for the first time, government held corrupt officers accountable. But 30 years later, providence brought them together to pilot the affairs of a nation at the precipice of economic destruction occasioned by massive looting of the national patrimony by cabals in government.

He explained that in governance, corruption was always so outrageous that it made the majority poor and development impossible. Law and order was always a problem, usually no consequence for wrong-doing and the nation was drifting into the wrong direction with the rich and corrupt becoming richer while the poor and less privileged pining away. ‘’We recognized that our country needed a different set of values; a new way of doing business; an economy that is able to give opportunity to young people to work in their chosen professions and to build strong and profitable businesses. We knew that we had to provide social protection for the poorest and the most vulnerable. “We recognized that innovation and change will be key, and that we must implement and not just talk about diversification of our economy. So we led our party’s campaign on that single, simple, but profound word, CHANGE! We have a country that is tired of corruption, tired of leadership without values, tired of an economy that is neither designed to accommodate enterprise, nor to create opportunity and wealth for the majority.

“But in President Muhammadu Buhari, we have leadership and a leader that is prepared to challenge the rotten status quo, one who has said that he is prepared to kill corruption rather than letting it kill us as a nation,” Osibanjo stated.
And in less than three months into his government, Buhari began hailing perceived corrupt government officials into detention.

When the sleeping giant suddenly awakes

 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) which almost went moribund in the previous administrations woke up as if from a drunken slumber and began prosecuting, some with minimal trial while a chunk of others are hailed into EFCC cells without trial. Anyone who receives invitation from the anti-graft agency knows that he must be in detention whether guilty or not. Among the many Nigerians who have been prosecuted for corruption are Sambo Dasuki, who is standing on trial for abusing his office as the National Security Adviser to former President Goodluck Jonathan and squandering $2.5billion meant for the purchase of arms for the Nigerian army to prosecute the war against Boko Haram insurgents in the North East of the country. From the Dasuki trial, the Dasukigate scandal emerged, a coinage by the media to portray the gravity of the funds looted by Dasuki. From the trial of Dasuki, others emerged. Alex Badeh, former chief of defense staff was quizzed by the EFCC over $930 million contracts he allegedly awarded as chief of defense staff. Under his leadership, Boko Haram dealt a severe blow to the Nigeria armed forces partly due to the superior firepower the terrorists possessed. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Security operatives whisking Dasuki away Raymond Dokpesi, chairman of Africa Independent Television (AIT) followed with alleged money laundering to the tune of N2.1billion and breach of public procurement law. Olisah Metuh, former Publicity Secretary of the PDP was arraigned for allegedly collecting N400m from the office of the Sambo Dasuki. Patrick Akpobolokemi, former Director General of the Nigeria Maritime and Safety Agency (NIMASA) was also arraigned on charges of diverting N3.7billion into private pocket. He stood trial for diverting N37billion meant for the development of the Maritime University in Okerenkoko, Delta State. Government Ekpemukpolo, aka Tompolo, has been on the run. He is wanted in connection with alleged N49.6billion fraud. He has been declared wanted by the EFCC for conspiracy and illegal diversion of N34 billion and N11.9 billion belonging to NIMASA. His account has been frozen for dishonouring the invitation of the EFCC for questioning. Alison Madueke, former minister of petroleum, is also on the run. She has given various excuses as to why she is not in Nigeria. She was alleged to have stolen so much money when she held sway as minister of oil in Nigeria. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Steve Oronsaye, former federal head of service was also arraigned on a 24-count-charge of allegedly stealing, obtaining by false pretence, theft and money laundering to the tune of N1.9billion. He was charged with complicity in money laundry and contract scam. Abdulrasheed Maina, former chairman of Pension Reform Task was also charged with alleged embezzlement, misappropriation and looting of police pension funds. Former Minister of Aviation and Director of Publicity of the Jonathan Campaign Organisation, Femi Fani-Kayode, was also recently invited by the EFCC and eventually detained for alleged N800million campaign funds of the PDP. Former President Goodluck Jonathan’s cousin, Azibaola Robert, was recently arrested by the EFCC for $40million pipeline contract scam. The contract was said to have been awarded by the office of former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki. A total of more than 70 persons have, however, been quizzed by the EFCC in connection with the Dasukigate scandal. These are various persons the president has fought in his bid to stamp out corruption and instill fiscal discipline in the economic life of Nigerians. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Olisa Metuh and his lawyer at the federal high court. Analysis and breakdown In an interview with The Economy Magazine, Prof. Itse Sagay, Chairman of Presidential Advisory Committee against Corruption, described corruption as a cankerworm that has paralysed the economic life of Nigeria. He said members of the previous administrations turned the national treasury into a bazaar from where they traded and squandered every kobo in the national kitty. He said any one who finds fault with the current wave of anti-corruption war is an armed robber. According to him, the billions looted by members of the previous administration cannot be overlooked as every kobo must be accounted for by all concerned. Sagay, who felt sad over the rate of corruption in Nigeria, said the menace has made Nigeria a retrogressive nation. “I feel a deep sense of sadness, we have been retrogressive. “There is no doubt about that. I have observed Nigeria’s politics from the First republic. I was a young university student in the First republic. People like the Obafemi Awolowos, the Abubakar Tafawa Balewas, were men who maintained ethics, principles and integrity in governance. You cannot compare any subsequent government with the First republic politicians,” Sagay said. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Raymond Dokpesi stepping out of court during his trial For him, the Awolowos and Balewas are angels compared to the succeeding administrations. He said the only pleasure they derived was to serve the people of the nation. They wanted power only to serve Nigerians. “The question of material gain just didn’t occur to them. They had honour and integrity. They were stately people in the way they talked and carried themselves. Now all these are gone. Morality is gone. Ethics is gone. Integrity is gone. Even parliamentarian comportment and language are gone. I’m sorry, this era is controlled by riffraff. It is a degenerating process. The type of politicians we have now are from the dark ages,” he lamented. He further said top military officers who were supposed to protect the country shared all the monies meant for acquiring weapons and paid billions of naira into accounts of their wives and children and sent their juniors to go and die in the battlefield without arms. He said they would collect $30million for a helicopter and use $3million to buy a rickety helicopter and soldiers will die in the air. “I don’t think we have human beings now. The barbarians have taken over,” he said. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Sagay said the quality of politicians these days is less than zero, “otherwise how can you say that you are governing a country and then you become a company of rats eating all the resources of the country, sharing them among yourselves and not caring what would happen to your country,” he queried. For him, Buhari needed to be more combative in his corruption war against the mafias and bring them under subjection. French ambassador to Nigeria, Dennis Guaer, also said President Buhari is now popular with his anti-corruption war. He said Buhari is a popular figure in the international community. “Buhari presented the fight against corruption as his main priority objective and I think it is probably the main reason why he was elected. “It is also the reason why he has become immediately so popular also abroad within the international community. Everybody is thinking this president is really willing this time to confront the problem of corruption. I think Buhari is really trying and trying very hard; it appears to me as a historical effort to fight corruption,” the French ambassador said. Political and economic analysts have unanimously adopted Buhari as the Africa’s preferred leader to lead a vigorous anti-corruption war to rid Africa of corruption. They are of the view that the present administration’s efforts at fighting corruption have earned Nigeria international respect and recognition. They argued that corruption has been a major challenge militating against development in most countries of the world, undermining human rights, provision of basic amenities and good governance, among others. Other analysts also viewed that the introduction of the Treasury Single Account (TSA) by Buhari has been seen as a policy that could guarantee transparency and accountability in governance. To them, the policy would block several leakages for corruption, though it may slow down implementation of government policies and programmes. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Professor-Sagay An economic analyst, Benjamin Ofoegbunam, said, “the implementation of TSA in my view is the best policy that will guarantee transparency and accountability in the country because by this, government ministries and agencies are made to remit their revenue to a single account. So, the era of a ministry or agency running several accounts leading to corruption is over because all government revenues are being remitted to a single account,’’ he said. Are there corruption everywhere? The Accountant General of the Federation, Alhaji Ahmed Idris, said the Federal Government recorded N3 trillion inflows to TSA in the first quarter of the year. He said as at the end of March 2016, total inflows into TSA was about N3 trillion, while the number of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on TSA has risen to 976. According to him, successful TSA implementation rests on a tripod, which includes the collection of MDAs receipts, payment by MDAs and their budgetary control. But while the hullabaloo over the success of the Buhari’s anti-corruption war, other Nigerians, especially the civil society groups, have punctured a hole in Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Former petroleum minister, Alision Madueke Members of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have said Buhari’s anti-corruption fight is one sided and hence he should extend it to all segments of the nation for it to gain acceptance by all Nigerians. Chairman of the Ogidi Branch of the NBA in Anambra State, Samuel Chukwukelu, said he is in full support of the war but it should be all encompassing. “There is corruption everywhere, the entire system is corrupt and that is why I am fully in support of fighting corruption but our concern is that it should be fought holistically. It should not be lopsided; I know and still stand to defend it that the corruption President Muhammadu Buhari is fighting is lopsided,” he said. He said that President Buhari’s fight against corruption should start from previous administrations before former President Goodluck Jonathan. Also, the rise of militancy in the Niger Delta cannot be divorced from the corruption war of the president. It was learnt in an interview with stakeholders in the Niger Delta that the agitation in the region was occasioned by the Buhari’s prosecution of personalities in the volatile region. According to a community leader in the region, the militants are blowing the pipelines because Buhari is prosecuting their leader, Chief Government Ekpemukpolo, aka Tompolo. For him, Buhari must look beyond Tompolo and fight a holistic war, develop the region, then peace would return. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Niger Delta Avengers in the creeks It was also gathered that Buhari’s anti-corruption fight is only against politicians who served in the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan. This is so because many Nigerians have called for the prosecution of Rotimi Amaechi, minister for transport, Babatunde Fashola, minister of Works, Power and Housing and some others who are serving in his government but he has tactically turned a blind eye to the pleas of Nigerians. Also, there are allegations that Tukur Buratai, chief of army staff and Abdulrahman Dambazzau, minister for interior are being shielded by Buhari against prosecution because of their alleged closeness to the president. Many have alleged that their names are supposed to be on the corruption list of Buhari but inside sources say Buhari had shielded them to avoid the unforeseen disaster which their prosecution may generate. Buhari has been probing the 2015 PDP campaign funds but calls to probe the whereabouts of the APC campaign funds were turned down. Many Nigerians have said Amaechi employed the money of Rivers State to campaign for Buhari but Buhari had failed to probe the source of the APC funds but continue hailing Nigerians who served in Jonathan’s government into EFCC cells and abandoning those who stole money to strengthen his campaign to win his presidency. Almost all men who served in Jonathan’s government have been indicted for criminal offences but all APC members, Buhari sees them as saints and angels from glory. Mixed feelings Nigerians are therefore of the view that Buhari has set a precedent which may hunt the APC members for the generations yet unborn. Besides generations yet unborn, he has divided the nation into two by his actions, the North against the South and the South against the North. READ ALSO: In perspective: Herbal medicine in Nigeria Again, many enemies have been made which may take donkey years to bring together and reconcile, even after the end of his government. However, -t was expected that the money recovered from the corruption fight would be ploughed back to the economy to resuscitate the failing system but rather than raising the bar, the economy is plummeting on a daily basis. Hence, many Nigerians are now of the view that corruption should return so that life would be good for all. Their call is not actually out of place because in the days of the previous administration, in the midst of the corruption, the economy was good and Nigerians were never in an economic mess as this. The naira never fell the way it has fallen to the dollar in the nation. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Most states in the nation are struggling to pay salaries to workers. Many are owing workers months without payment and hunger has continued to deal deadly blows on civil servants who rely entirely on government salaries for their means of livelihood. Most local government workers in many states are being owed over seven months’ salaries by their local government administrators. But this was not so in the days of Jonathan when the perceived corruption held sway. However, many have expressed optimism that the pains of Nigerians will be temporal. This is so because after the corruption war the economy will bounce back to give life to the failing economy so that the living condition of Nigerians will improve. But when will this be, is it when Nigerians have died out of hunger or when many parents have withdrawn their children from school for lack of money to pay school fees? Nigerians are waiting for the miracle Buhari will do. But one thing is certain, for Buhari to win the confidence of Nigerians in his corruption fight, it must be holistic, away from tribe, religion and party affiliations. Stolen funds Nigerians are calling for the release of the recovered funds by the federal government. As reported that many of the stolen funds have been returned quietly by those who took them. There are agitations demanding for the names of the looters who returned the monies they stole from the government. As President Buhari continues to fight corruption, some citizens faulted him for his failure to disclose the original  amount of money that have been recovered since he took over power from the former president, Goodluck Jonathan, last year May Diezani Madueke was said to have returned some funds to the pocket of the federal government among some other whose gesture was to save their faces from public disgrace as many guilty citizens are treading carefully in the conduct of their public life.

'Turkish schools in Nigeria will not be closed'

Turkish schools in Nigeria will not be shut by the host country as against the request made by their ambassador to the west African nation. This clarification was necessary after initial reports stated that Hakan Cakil made a call for the closure of 17 ‘Turkish’ schools in Nigeria following  the failed coup in their country. But this call has been described as ‘a spurious request’ by the authorities of the Turkish international colleges in a statement on their website, obtained by Premium Times. Orhan Kertin, the managing director of the school in a signed statement had written: “But for the fact that the statement contained misleading information, we would not have dignified it with a response. “But as law-abiding schools operating in Nigeria since 1998, we owe Nigerians a duty to expose the ulterior motives of the Turkish Ambassador in the said statement.” 
Turkish ambassador reveals Cakil had during a visit by Shehu Sani, the vice chairman, Senate committee on Foreign Affairs, on Thursday, July 28, stated that the schools have links with a movement his government believed was involved in the failed coup attempt in Turkey. “We are requesting the Nigerian Government to close down the schools. “In Nigeria, there are 17 schools, which belong to the Gulen Movement, one in Kano, one in Kaduna, one in Abuja, Lagos etc and they are offering scholarships. “We are starting some legal procedures to take the name of Turkish out of the name of the schools. They are not the schools of the Turkish Government. “They are misleading the public and allocating scholarships to the children of the high bureaucracy and after they graduate from school, they send the children to Turkey to attend their universities,” the Turkish ambassador was quoted to have said. The Nigerian Turkish colleges has however, insisted that the schools were created to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning in order to produce youths who become productive members of the Nigerian society. Kertim said: “The NTIC is not a Turkish government run institution, but a privately funded institution by a group of Turkish investors. “As a responsible organisation operating in Nigeria since 1998, we are conversant with the laws of the land and we have to the best of our ability abided by these stipulations. “Nigeria is a sovereign country and the call by the Turkish Ambassador is not only an affront to the sovereignty of the Nigerian nation but a display of the crass ignorance.” This comes as the United Bank of Africa (UBA) also clarified reports linking it to the funding of the failed coup plotted in Turkey. In a press statement made released by the bank on Tuesday evening, it countered the claims by a Turkey-based newspaper, Yenisafak, that some of those arrested in connection with the July 15, 2016 failed coup plot implicated UBA as its sponsors. According to the earlier report, the suspects said a United States Army General, John F. Campbell, championed the funding of the failed coup. It was added that the funds used was in the region of $2 billion and was moved from the United States into UBA Plc and where the coup plotters allegedly withdrew the monies from.

Friday 29 July 2016

Real Madrid 1-3 Paris Saint-Germain: Zidane oversees poor pre-season start

Unai Emery's side were in far better shape against the European champions, with new signing Thomas Meunier netting a double after Jonathan Ikone's strike.

Real Madrid's pre-season got off to a poor start as they suffered a 3-1 defeat to Paris Saint-Germain in the International Champions Cup.
Substitute defender Thomas Meunier scored twice in the first half to set up the win, adding to Jonathan Ikone's opener inside two minutes as PSG stamped their authority on the contest early.
The returning Alvaro Morata slotted straight into the sole-striking role in his first appearance since leaving Juventus, as Zinedine Zidane's first-half XI also included Isco, Raphael Varane and Jese Rodriguez.
PSG coach Unai Emery was overseeing the club's third pre-season friendly after beating West Brom 2-1 and Inter 3-1 in their ICC opener on Sunday.
Thiago Silva, Javier Pastore, Lucas Moura and Edinson Cavani all started for PSG as Emery looked to step up the pace.
And proceedings got off to a perfect start as teenager Ikone tore through the Madrid defence, who struggled to muster a tackle on the 18-year-old, to score the opener before the contest was two minutes old, dribbling past four helpless defenders before slotting the ball past Francisco Casilla in the Madrid goals.
Silva was substituted with an injury after just 10 minutes, following a poor challenge he committed and received a yellow card for, with Meunier coming on to replace him.
While the right-back's introduction was forced, it proved an inspired one as he thrashed in an amazing strike after 34 minutes following another terrible turnover from the Madrid defence as they looked to play the ball out from the back.
Meunier gave Madrid no time to react as he lashed a strike beyond Casilla to double PSG's advantage, and he would make it 3-0 not long after as he capitalised on more terrible defending to nudge the ball home after a scrap in the Madrid penalty area.
Marcelo scored Madrid's first-half consolation as the opening 45 minutes drew to a close, converting a penalty following a defensive handball to deny Kevin Trapp a clean sheet.
Zidane sent out a completely different team for the second half, with Marco Asensio, Martin Odegaard and Dani Carvajal all coming on, while he also called on his son, Enzo, who replaced Lucas Vazquez.
The new-look Madrid gave a better account of themselves, as PSG introduced former Madrid star Angel Di Maria for goalscorer Ikone, but they struggled to break down a compact Paris defence, making for a flat start to the pre-season schedule as Emery continued his flawless start to life with the French giants.

Atletico & Barca are buying players, so why aren't Real Madrid?

The European champions have had a quiet summer so far with little movement while their two main rivals have been busy. So what exactly is happening at the Santiago Bernabeu?
Florentino Perez
With just over a month to go, it has been a slow window for Real Madrid. So far, only one signing has been made in what seemed certain to be a busy period due to the transfer ban hanging over the club. So while Barcelona and Atletico are busy buying players, why is it all so quiet at the Santiago Bernabeu?
Before their own two-window ban became effective, Barca took advantage to reshape their squad in 2014. The Catalan club spent €166 million that summer after the arrival of Luis Enrique as coach, bringing in key players like Luis Suarez, Ivan Rakitic, Claudio Bravo, Marc-Andre ter Stegen and Jeremy Mathieu. And it was a spending spree which worked wonderfully as they went on to win the treble in 2014-15.
Something similar was expected at Madrid this time around. Up until now, however, it has been entirely the opposite, with only striker Alvaro Morata brought in as Real exercised their buy-back option on the homegrown forward who was re-signed from Juventus.
During the turbulent times under Rafa Benitez, it looked like Madrid required significant changes to their squad. But with Zinedine Zidane in the second half of the season, Real ran Barca close in the title race that was won by a single point and ended the season by lifting the Champions League trophy in Milan.
So major changes are seemingly not needed after all and the French coach is happy with his squad. Unlike last summer, there will be no move for David De Gea this time, because Zidane is satisfied with both Keylor Navas and Kiko Casilla. He has also said repeatedly that James Rodriguez is not for sale and the Colombian's decision to stay was what ultimately ended Madrid's pursuit of Andre Gomes (with the Portuguese favouring a move to Barcelona in any case).
And it is much the same with Raphael Varane and Nacho. The club - and in particular Zidane - has convinced the pair to stay and strengthen a defence also boosted by the return of Fabio Coentrao who is set to deputise for Marcelo at left-back because there are few other reasonable options in the market. The Portuguese is already with the squad and is a reliable performer, even if he has never lived up to his original €30m price tag.
Madrid have looked at several top names this summer, with Marco Verratti, David Alaba and Robert Lewandowski among them, but all three have signed new deals with their clubs (or are about to) and a transfer for any of those would be almost impossible at this point.
Then there is Paul Pogba. The France midfielder will be on the move this summer, with Juventus set on selling the 23-year-old - especially after closing the signing of Gonzalo Higuain from Napoli this week. Madrid are keen on the Frenchman, but there are already a lot of midfielders at the club and, with Manchester United prepared to pay in excess of €100m for their former player, the Premier League club remain favourites for his signature.
Pogba could yet be the Galactico at Madrid this summer, but at the moment the outlay for a player who is not necessarily needed and a wage packet that would upset the structure at the Bernabeu means the midfielder will probably end up at Old Trafford instead.
Asked about the possibility of signing his fellow Frenchman, Zidane said on Tuesday. "At the moment we're working, I can't say anything. Paul Pogba today is a Juventus player, we can't speak about what will happen."
In the meantime, Madrid would like to bring in a midfielder as cover for Casemiro, but there appear to be few players on the market who could fill this role. N'Golo Kante has left Leicester to join Chelsea, while Grzegorz Krychowiak followed Unai Emery from Sevilla to Paris Saint-Germain, where Blaise Matuidi is set to stay despite rumours of a possible departure. And another France international, Newcastle's Moussa Sissoko, is not a purely defensive midfielder.
And while Los Blancos have brought back Morata and Coentrao, plus Marco Asensio who returns from a loan spell at Espanyol, the club's two main rivals have been busy in the transfer market in July. So have Barcelona and Atletico stolen a march on Madrid this summer?

Barca have spent around €100m already, bringing in France defenders Samuel Umtiti and Lucas Digne, attacking midfielder Denis Suarez (on a buy-back agreement) and Andre Gomes from Valencia, with a striker set to be added as well. Luis Enrique had a short squad at Camp Nou last season, but that will not be the case in 2016-17.
Atletico, meanwhile, are facing a transfer ban after this window - just like Real. To compensate, Diego Simeone's side has handed new contracts to Saul Niguez, Tiago, Fernando Torres and Antoine Griezmann, with Gabi also set to sign soon. The Rojiblancos have also invested around €50m on Nico Gaitan, Sime Vrsaljko, Diogo Jota and Axel Werner, with a forward (possibly Sevilla's Kevin Gameiro) to be brought in over the next few days.

For their part, Madrid appear confident after their successful second half of last season, but both Barca and Atletico are stregthening and with a two-window transfer ban hanging over them, would they not be better off bringing in a few more quality players this summer? As always, only time will tell, but don't be surprised if there's more movement yet from Florentino Perez and Zidane in the days and weeks ahead.

No deal between Manchester United & Juventus for Pogba, says Raiola

Paul Pogba
Jose Mourinho's side have tabled a €110 million offer but the midfielder's agent insists nothing has been finalized as speculation intensifies surrounding the Frenchman's future.

Paul Pogba’s agent Mino Raiola insists no deal has been agreed between Manchester United and Juventus for the midfielder.

United are ready to set a new world record transfer fee in order land the 23-year-old, with a €110 million bid already offered to the Serie A champions.

Pogba has fuelled speculation with a series of hints on social media, while United’s chances of landing their former academy star were given a boost earlier this week as Real Madrid pulled out of the race, but Raiola maintains that nothing has been finalised.

Gomis leaves Swansea for Marseille

The French striker scored 17 goals in 71 games for the Welsh side but now returns to his homeland on a season-long loan.

Swansea City have announced the departure of striker Bafetimbi Gomis to Marseille on a season-long loan.
The 30-year-old was left out of the Swans' squad for their pre-season tour of America as they Gomis made 18 starts and 15 substitute league appearances last season, scoring six goals, having arrived from Lyon on a free transfer in 2014.
The former France international graduated from the Saint-Etienne academy and went on to make 159 appearances.
His return to the French top tier sees him replace Michy Batshuayi, who left Marseille for Chelsea in a €40 million deal at the start of July.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Latest From Xiaomi

Xiaomi Redmi Pro
LAUNCHAnnounced2016, July
StatusComing soon
BODYDimensions151.5 x 76.2 x 8.2 mm (5.96 x 3.00 x 0.32 in)
Weight174 g (6.14 oz)
SIMDual SIM (Nano-SIM/ Micro-SIM, dual stand-by)
DISPLAYTypeOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size5.5 inches (~72.2% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution1080 x 1920 pixels (~401 ppi pixel density)
PLATFORMOSAndroid OS, v6.0 (Marshmallow)
ChipsetMediatek MT6797T Helio X25 - High & Exclusive editions
Mediatek MT6797 Helio X20 - Standard edition
CPUDeca-core 2.5 GHz - Exclusive edition
Deca-core 2.3 GHz - High edition
Deca-core 2.1 GHz - Standard edition
GPUMali-T880 MP4
MEMORYCard slotmicroSD, up to 256 GB (uses SIM 2 slot)
Internal128 GB, 4 GB RAM - Exclusive edition
32/64 GB, 3 GB RAM - other editions
CAMERAPrimaryDual 13 MP, f/2.0, phase detection autofocus, dual-LED (dual tone) flash
FeaturesGeo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, HDR, panorama
Video1080p@30fps, 720p@120fps
Secondary5 MP, f/2.0, 1080p
SOUNDAlert typesVibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
3.5mm jackYes
 - Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
COMMSWLANWi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
Bluetoothv4.2, A2DP, LE
Infrared portYes
RadioTo be confirmed
USBType-C 1.0 reversible connector
FEATURESSensorsFingerprint, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass
MessagingSMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
 - XviD/MP4/H.265 player
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- Photo/video editor
- Document viewer
BATTERY Non-removable Li-Ion 4050 mAh battery
MISCColorsSilver, Gold, Gray
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